& #BeginningTeachers focus on classroom environment.
If you ask any teacher what their focus should be in the beginning of the school year the answer should always be the same; relationships, rules, and routines. Taking/making the time to establish your classroom environment and climate is an investment that will payoff in the long run - but many teachers are not sure where to begin. Our training recommendation is to Begin with the End in Mind:
- Begin with the End in Mind: What do you want your classroom culture to look like, sound like, (5th grade) smell like… Get this picture in your mind and identify critical elements that you can teach your students to make the picture a reality. Start with Teach Like a Champion’s technique 45 Threshold and 46 Strong Start. Meet your students as they enter the classroom - build that relationship on the way into the classroom and set expectations immediately. Establish a routine for what students should do from the moment you greet them until you formally begin instruction. Describe the routine, model, practice, release to evaluate, practice some more, release to evaluate, and praise successful engagement in the routine ~ “rinse and repeat” until the students own the routine.
- When planning your routine make sure that your take the time to identify the following:
- What is the criteria for success
- What materials or preparation are needed
- What is the teacher doing
- What are the students doing (name the steps)
- What happens immediately if a student doesn’t comply
Visit and scroll to Classroom Culture for a sample routine. Contact us at for more information on how we can support your educational initiatives.