16 January, 2013

Supervision & Evaluation: Summative Phase

Summative Phase of Supervision

As per this curriculum and instruction appraisal model’s cyclical nature, the summative phase of supervision is both cumulative and ongoing.  Reports are generated upon the completion of each coaching visit as part of the observation/coaching form and are provided to teachers during post-coaching follow-up conferences.  The feedback is precise and reflects directly that which was observed, discussed, or coached at the time that the supervisor [or instructional coach] was in the classroom.  The summary of each meeting results in the identification of those behaviors that have been observed or identified as model and those behaviors that will continue to be targeted for additional coaching.

The cumulative nature of this model provides for an opportunity for a supervisor to create a data set indicative of staff needs over time.  The data set can be translated into a formal schedule of professional development to be provided throughout the school year.  The professional development can be differentiated among staff further reflecting a developmental approach.  Teachers identified as model teachers can be encouraged to assist or lead professional development in the domains in which they have been found to be exceptional.


The curriculum and instruction appraisal model provided within these posts would be best aligned with an evaluation model that subscribed to a clinical approach to teacher rating focused on evidence-based practices aligned to the domains of:

  • Professionalism
  • Classroom management
  • Curriculum use
  • Instructional delivery

The use of a clinical approach provides for a shared understanding between staff and administration of what constitutes excellence in teaching and provides for the greatest opportunity to increase student learning.  The use of backward design to tease out critical behaviors within each domain that can be directly taught to teachers and measured in terms of proficient use and consistency provides for seamless supervisory support for teachers to reflect upon and use to improve classroom practices.  A cyclical and cumulative supervisory model that reflects frequent classroom visits by administrators and clear concise feedback on critical behaviors that affirms excellence and identifies the need for improvement as aligned with the greater evaluation process is a necessity in education and would provide for a significant improvement in teaching and student learning.

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