- Monitor the RTI implementation to sustain momentum...
- Link the RTI framework to School Improvement...
- Continue to provide on-going professional development...
All of which are aspects important in moving toward sustainability of the implementation but miss the big idea that is involved in the achievement of sustainability. Sustainability of an RTI implementation occurs when use of the framework transitions from mere behaviors into a system of approach that is embedded within a school's culture.
Therefore to achieve sustainability of an RTI Framework the initiative must become inclusive of all stakeholders involved with the school and incorporate distributed leadership. As the educational institution implementing the RTI Framework continues to educate stakeholders involved in the use of the framework, transformation of the locus of control of the implementation must begin to be disseminated across those stakeholders. This use of transformational leadership will increase the opportunity of the RTI Framework to exist beyond administrative or staff changes.
Additional Information:
Examples of Toxic School Culture to Avoid ~ from e-Lead (n.d.), a partnership of the Laboratory for Student Success at Temple University and the Institute for Educational Leadership (para. 5).
Therefore to achieve sustainability of an RTI Framework the initiative must become inclusive of all stakeholders involved with the school and incorporate distributed leadership. As the educational institution implementing the RTI Framework continues to educate stakeholders involved in the use of the framework, transformation of the locus of control of the implementation must begin to be disseminated across those stakeholders. This use of transformational leadership will increase the opportunity of the RTI Framework to exist beyond administrative or staff changes.
Additional Information:
Examples of Toxic School Culture to Avoid ~ from e-Lead (n.d.), a partnership of the Laboratory for Student Success at Temple University and the Institute for Educational Leadership (para. 5).
- A lack of hope - "These students just aren't willing to learn"
- A lot of pessimism - "They never listen to our feedback or include us in decisions"
- Turf battles and Dogmatism - "I've been teaching this for 30 years and I'll keep doing it my way"
e-Lead (n.d.) Creating a learning-centered school culture & climate. Retrieved from http://www.e-lead.org/resources/resources.asp?ResourceID=25